Sunday, November 30, 2014

My Marathon Journey- Finally!

I was anxious to get going. I once again gave my friends the option to not go with me. I felt bad making them do this extra time. Jenni had to get Allison home but the rest of them said they were there for me. Even Scot, who had already finished his marathon, said he was going to do the miles with me. I felt some guilt but also very, very loved.

After getting everyone settled and ready to go again we started on the trail. I ran a few minutes but knew that because of some strange pains I was having I was going to have to walk. I was ok with that. I warned everyone I would be walking and they were free to run however they wanted. The stayed right with me. Scot and Jeremy ran most of it but they would always come back to us. Never once was I made to feel like I was putting them out or they were sacrificing for me. This was a security that felt new to me.

I actually had a lot of fun on these last miles. Emily played in the cotton “snow” and spread pixie dust. We laughed and talked and enjoyed the beautiful trail, river and scenery. Even if it was 1000*- or at least 80*. Alesa and Doug were awesome with their support. They kept us supplied with water and even grapes.

We shared fuel and electrolyte pills. I feel so bonded with these people and next time that I need support in my life, I know who I want on my side!

As we walked along, I was thinking about how the day had gone. It hadn’t been anything like my original plan, it hadn’t been plan b or even plan c. But I thought about the lessons and love I had felt that day. I thought back to the prayer I’d been praying for days and the one I prayed even as we climbed that uphill know that I was so close to the cut off. “Heavenly Father, I've done everything I can. I've done my miles, I've worked on the nutrition, I've hydrated, I'd read books, I had a support system. I need You to carry me through this race." And even as I was struggling so much and going up that hill and, truthfully, being quite scared, I was praying; “You have to carry me through this, I need Your strength.”

I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Heavenly Father could have given me the strength I needed. He could have helped me run that tiny bit faster so that I could reach that cut off point. But He didn't. And as I was finishing those miles, I knew in my heart that I was doing the race the way that I was meant to do it. The lessons I learned, the life changing perspective I received could not have been learned if I would have crossed that finish line.

Of course my family and Alesa didn’t let me down on my finish line. They were there cheering for me. Mick gave me a medal and they had a sign they had made the night before. It was only us, it was much quieter finish line than I had anticipated, but it was MY finish line! And I was proud of my accomplishment but most of all my decision to choose to finish something that most people wouldn’t have even started.

I later found out that the medal was a Katie original. She knew that I needed a medal, so as they were walking away from the marathon route she saw a sign in the garbage that had a big silver star on it, she took that. Then scrounged around our van for something to add to it, she found paper flowers and even a piece of yarn so I could hang it around my neck. Oh how I love this girl and I’m so proud of the sensitive caring woman that she is becoming!

Even though the sign was made the night before, it was the most appropriate sign for this adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Well said Stephanie! I am so proud of you and your attitude. You have taken a hold of your "monsters" (we all have them) and become the Master of you. The Master doesn't always know how and what to do to the Monster but "our Master Teacher" does and he feeds us the way we will gain the most from our experiences. You are GOOD...I love you!
