Sunday, November 23, 2014

My Marathon Journey Part 2

"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light." - Helen Keller

Two weeks later we are on the eve of the Ogden Marathon. Emily, JoAnna, Jeremy (Emily’s boyfriend who was running with us too), Scot and I all traveled down to the Expo together. Just as we were leaving town I received and e-mail from Tara, attached to the email was a document containing letters from many of my running friends with their thoughts and memories about me. The tears started running. My heart was touched and I was amazed that people really could think such things about me. Later it would hit me; no matter how my marathon, or anything else in life, ended I was really all those things and more. I think these letters gave me a glimpse into my true value and I will forever be grateful for the friends who were generous enough to share such kind thoughts with me.

Me, Emily, Jeremy and JoAnna at the Expo

We all enjoyed a yummy dinner at Woody’s. Then Robin stood up and said that they had all been
talking about me and the qualities I had. She named off some; kindness, smiley, accepting, etc… Then she gave me a necklace that was from the whole group. I felt slightly embarrassed but so grateful for these friends who just wanted to support and love me.

This was the beautiful necklace they gave me. It said; “She believed she could, so she did”
I have loved this quote! I have tried to keep it in the forefront of my mind for quite a while now. I DO believe that we can do anything we think we can do, if we are willing to work hard enough for it and keep trying no matter how many times we fall or how hard it is.

Me, Mindy, Emily, Jeremy & JoAnna on the way to the busses.

Saturday morning we woke up “before the butt crack of dawn” to leave Alesa’s house by 4:00. My post on Face book as we were on our way:
"Today is your day, you're off to great places you're off and away!"
#262ogden #findmybrave

We got to the busses and ran into Scot, Tawnya, Jenni, Mindy and Rose. I asked Jenni what she was doing; I thought she was running the ½ marathon. She told me she just came to wish me luck. After standing around talking and waiting to get on the bus, I was worried that Jenni was going to miss her bus. Suddenly it hit me- she was going to be running the FULL marathon! Sure enough, she wanted to surprise me and be there to support me. Oh! How I love this courageous girl!

The ride to the starting line was LONG and the bus was filled with nervous energy and excitement! The entire ride I just kept thinking “I can’t believe I actually made it here. Everything I've been through and I’m headed to my first marathon!”

At the starting line we had plenty of time to wait around. It was already a pretty warm day, temperatures in the mid 50's at 6:30 A.M. As the starting time drew closer we started putting our extra clothing into drop bags and getting sunscreen on. Jenni asked me to sunscreen her back, I didn't think anything of it but sprayed on the sunscreen. A few minutes later Jenni was bending over and I looked down at her back and saw that she had "Team Stephanie" printed on her pink tank top. I couldn't believe it! I looked around and sure enough JoAnna and Emily had on matching tops with the same words printed on theirs. I was shocked that these girls cared enough and were there just to support me. Jenni and Emily were both running their first marathons and all four of them could be much faster than me but they sacrificed their experience to make mine a life changing adventure!


  1. I sit here in tears as I read this. I'm so grateful for your friends. Those girls are nothing short of angels!

  2. What beautiful friends. What a wonderful way to learn your value. God reaches us through others.
